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Yurii Maletin
Last visit date 19 May 2010
Alexander Shnaydruk
Last visit date 15 December 2011

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Yurii Maletin

Yuriy Maletin

Yuriy has over 20 year experience of research in the field of ultracapacitors. He is responsible for the IP development and management of R&D activities. During 2002-2008, Yuriy headed the Physical Chemistry Department of the National Technical University of Ukraine, Kiev. Prior to that, he was the Head of Coordination Chemistry Department of the Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry of the NASU (National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine).

Yuriy published over 70 scientific papers in referred journals; he was a co-inventor of over 20 patents. He has Master degree in Chemistry from Moscow M.V. Lomonosov State University, PhD in Inorganic Chemistry from the NASU, and DSc in Physical Chemistry from Russian Academy of Science. Yuriy is also a Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry, UK.


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Iurii Zelinskyi

Iurii Zelinskyi

Iurii implemented new technologies and products in electronics, energy storage devices, space and military programs at over 100 Ukrainian enterprises. He collaborated in more than 20 international projects where his plants were the part of global production chain. During the 80s, under his supervision the first integral schemes were produced in Soviet Union

During the extensive career Iurii held the variety of positions: technology manager, production manager, chief engineer, plant director and government official. The extensive network of Iurii’s contacts allows to reach executives level decision makers both countrywide and internationally.

Alexander Shnaydruk

Alexander Shnaydruk

Alex joined the team in 2007. He is responsible for management of clients, new business opportunities development, including business and manufacturing partnership. Alex has over 7 years of experience in hi-tech business. He held positions of CTO, Project Manager, Worldwide Sales Executive in different hightech startups.

Alex has double degree in physics and computer science and completed the international management leadership program «Global Village for Future Leader of Business and Industry 2007», Lehigh University, USA.

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