This section of the site should help to give answers on many general questions from the potential partners aiming to contact Yunasko company to establish partnership.
What is the difference between ultracapacitor and supercapacitor?Usually the terms “supercapacitor” or “ultracapacitor” refer to Electric Double Layer Capacitors, or EDLC. EDLCs store charge from ions in an electrolyte with high surface area electrodes typically made from activated carbon. EDLCs have capacitance values that are typically orders of magnitude higher than traditional capacitors (i.e. several or hundreds Farads vs microFarads). This large increase in capacitance is where the terms “super-” and “ultra-” come from.
What does the acronym EDLC stand for?EDLC - Electric Double Layer Capacitor - is a next-generation energy storage device that is as an auxiliary power supply. EDLCs have very high capacitance (up to 5000 Farads) values but rather low voltage ratings (2.5-3 V). As the energy stored is inversely proportional to the thickness of the dielectric, EDLCs have an extremely high energy density comparing to capacitors. The electrodes are made of activated carbon, which has a high surface area per unit volume, further increasing the capacitor's energy density.
I need the battery to provide me 4 kW in 15 minutes. Can you design ultracapacitors solution based on this technical specification?The ultracapacitor is mainly a power device and it perfectly fits the applications where the main charge/discharge power pulse is in the range of 0.1 – 30 seconds. The limited energy density does not allow to build an effective ultracapacitor power supply solution in the ranges of pulses more than 1 minute. Conventional batteries, NiMH or Li-Ion are the better fit in energy storate. But in some cases, where high durability, wider temperature range or heavy duty cycling is required, the ultracapacitor power supply solution can be efficient, taking also into consideration the cost constraint.
Also, it is always important for us to know the system voltage requirement, as we need to connect in series several 2.7 V cells in order to increase the voltage. The voltage for ultracapacitor module can range from 5-15 V up to 500-700 V, depending on application. Can you supply us with ultracapacitors and what is the price?Since our company is in the technology development stage, we can supply only the limited amount of cells mainly for solution prototyping purposes on case by case factor. The ultracapacitor module can also be built with the custom requirements. Please send us your technical requirements describing your product application and quantities needed.
What type of ultracapacitors do you develop?Yunasko is mainly developing ultracapacitors in the range 300 – 2000 Farads. More information can be found on Products page