YUNASKO has developed the second generation of hybrid energy storage
Monday, 13 June 2022
Since low energy density is a known drawback of the supercapacitor technology, which typically provides about 6 Wh/kg in full packaged devices, one of the Yunasko objectives is focused on hybridization of this technology with Li-ion battery. The first generation based on proprietary hybridization approach was developed about 8 years ago by the trade name of LIC (Li-ion capacitor) and demonstrated the energy density about 30-35 Wh/kg – for more detail see the corresponding page on our site. Over a few last years YUNASKO has developed the second generation of hybrid “Li-ion battery+supercapacitor” technology that can be called as Graphene Enhanced Li-ion Battery (GELIB). The GELIB technology efficiently unite advantages from both “parents”. Inherited from supercapacitor technology
Inherited from Li-ion battery technology
We can see emerging markets for GELIB in many applications where the need for reasonably large energy density and, simultaneously, fast charge, long cycle life, wide operation temperature range and safety are critical. As an example, it can be robotics and automated guided vehicles (AGV) for warehouses. For the time being they mostly use lead acid batteries and slowly shift to LiFePO4 (LFP) batteries. Issues with these technologies are similar: slow charge and short cycle life that does not enable to use such batteries for 3 years of operation (the minimum life time required for robotics/AGV). E-cigarettes can be yet another promising application wherein rather high current value (up to 40 A) is needed to quickly get the vapor. Such GELIB characteristics as high specific power, low heat generation inside the battery itself and, hence, safety, quick charge and long cycle life can become at a critical advantage against the currently used batteries. These advantages can also be of definite use in electric and hybrid in-city transport including e-bikes and scooters, in more electric aircrafts and drones, in portable power tools, and in some special applications. |